Biography of Staff Members for: Manufactering Co.

Garry Johnson

Age: 3

Gender: Male

This is Garry Johnson. He is the secretary of our company. He is such an amazing, caring, intelligent hard-worker and provides so much for everyone! He works non-stop (because he is forced to) and only produces the best possible work he can! He gets paid $.020 per 3 hours, plus 5 cents for every 2 days he does not stop working. He currently jokes about his family and how they don't have enough food and money to pay rent, but that's just one other reason we love him! He is such a jokster in the office!

His job consists of taking care of the company's withdrawls, debts, and deposits. As our company gets about 20,000 dollars a day, Garry loves the 24 hour work scehdule we give to him because it gets everything done! He knows that if he takes a break, he will be sold off to live as a child's toy. But it seems like we won't be saying goodbye to Garry for a long time!

Robert Dunby

Age: 87

Gender: Male

This is Robert Dunby. He is the receptionist of our company. Not only does he answer phones all day, he also has a horrible personality that drives away many clients. Why do we keep him? Well his face is so scary that it helps to prevent potential robberies and crimes occuring to our building. He is known for throwing things, not showing up to work, and taking people's food. But he is a great phone-picker-upper, so in the end, he will always be part of our work family!

He also loves spending time on the phone! He is constantly talking to people all over. He makes meetings sometimes, but he usually just makes plans with friends. He keeps messing up meeting times, scheduling them around 1 am to 3 am, but that silly goose doesn't know that his boss is sleeping at those hours! However, besides his terrible work ethic, he is a great co worker and person to have around in the workspace!

Cindy Lowley

Age: 14

Gender: Female

This is Cindy Lowley. She is the medical assistant (aka nurse) for our company. She makes sure that everyone in our complex is healthy and well at all times! She is a great help in the office as well as pertaining to personal problems. You could say she is also a part time psychiatrist for our company since half of the people working are actually crazy. She does everything, from fixing headaches, bandaging wounds, and sometimes even brining people back from the dead. What a miricle worker!

Cindy also specializes in patient care. If there ever is a co-worker sick, they are sent to Cindy. However, sometimes they are not seen of again, which must mean they are at home getting better from her treatment. Even though she has a background record of multiple murders, here at our company, Cindy is a trusted co-worker we love to have around!

Mark Twain

Age: ?

Gender: ? (It is unknown)

This is Mark Twain. The Regional Manager of our company. His skills as manager refer to eating, swimming, sleeping, and pooping. He has no access to actual paperwork, documents, or even people because he can not surive outside of water. However, he is constantly watching that everyone stays on task, which makes him an amazing, dependable worker! He is by far the most important person on our company's team.

Our company gathers around $20,000 per day. Mark uses his smart knowledge to take $19,999 of those dollars to pay for his annual fish food. Without that, he wouldn't be able to survive, and our company would be in complete chaos! Most of the time, Mark is known for fogetting many things, as he is a fish and only has a 3 second memory span. However, the co-workers at this company all work together to make sure he is caught up on things every second. Even though we are still not sure if Mark speaks English, the employees take around 3/4 of their worktime to remind Mark about what is going on. What a strong team!

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